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Helping Captives is excited to partner with you! Your church can make a real difference in anti-trafficking. Through education, awareness, and ministry to the women at Helping Captives, you extend the love of Jesus to some of the most vulnerable. 

Fill out the form below and Helping Captives will coordinate with you on how your church can best serve our organization.

Events and Fundraisers

Your church, youth group, or small group can help raise goods and funds for survivors of trafficking. Create a Helping Captives event for your church or the community.

Seminars and Trainings

The first step to stopping sex trafficking is prevention and education. Helping Captives can train your church or small group about how to spot grooming or even active trafficking.

Facilities and Projects

Bring your church or group to a Helping Captives location and make a difference. We welcome collaboration to devise initiatives raising awareness for trafficking survivors.

Your Church Can Help Trafficking Survivors.

Fill out the form below and we'll contact you to find out how Helping Captives and your church can support each other.

  • Serve your community in an impactful way
  • Partner to help the most vulnerable in your community
  • Offer your church a unique way to minister the love of Christ