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Training and Education


Training Events

We offer free classes about how sex trafficking is affecting our community, how to identify it, prevent it, and what to do if you suspect it. Learn who is most vulnerable, how traffickers groom victims, and how to help in the fight against trafficking. You can also invite us to your event or gathering.

We had an amazing year and are excited to continue our classes in 2024. We will be announcing some exciting changes and upcoming opportunities soon. Stay tuned!

Sex Trafficking 101

An overview of sex trafficking and how you can help.

Internet Safety

How to keep our kids safe from online predators and the apps commonly used for recruiting.

Signs to Look For

Identifying signs of grooming & trafficking & what to do if you suspect someone is at risk.

Working With Survivors

Understanding complex trauma from a trauma-informed perspective.

Education And Prevention

Sex trafficking can seem like a far-away problem. But it affects all of our lives in more ways than you know. Download our free eBook to learn how traffickers groom your children and how to prevent it. 


  • Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it isn't happening.
  • Learn the red flags of grooming, especially online.
  • You can protect your children. Learn how.

Not sure where to start?

Give us a call and we'll point you in the right direction.